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.Aug 8, 2008 ' Friday, August 08, 2008 Y
you used to be the reason, for my smile.

this blog is dead.

there ya go. i officially declare it dead, because i just can't be bothered to blog and i dont use the com that often anyways. so yeah.


.Jul 9, 2008 ' Wednesday, July 09, 2008 Y
you used to be the reason, for my smile.

the a bit the very late post about lltc.

HAHAH.lltc was like.the bomb!like.seriously.i swear. AND VENERE you guys seriously rocked my socks. THE BEST GROUP EVER. Thanks for making lltc so fun for me you guys!

day one.
ice breakers.
man that was FUNNY.haha.esp the one where we had to do the actions we wrote on a piece of paper!!
then walk the talk.
whee!man it was like very far to walk!!but yes.we did an awesome job together guys!and you know, we girls can pull our own weight!(: we know you guys wanna be chivalrous and all but yeah!hahaah.
haha.another pretty fun thing!!and interesting too.(:

day two.
the first ever of its kind.and man, i just had to fall!haha.like.long very shallow scrapes along the side of my left leg.left me looking some kind of whipped bah kwa.(barbequed pork) hahha! but yes. after that,
omg.damn fun after so long of not dragon boating!! it totally rocked. and and! in the race, our groups won! venere and brennan!! WOOTS. and it was like the only boat to have girls WHO WERE PACING.hahah. we owned man. so yeah.
omg the heritage play was like so touching! i mean like really. the effort that the ots put into producing it for us. damn nice. OH and caleb was like so uhs! hahah.making everyone laugh in the middle of like a really serious part. tsk tsk!haha.but yeah!it was awesomee.

day three.
morning run again!haha.but yeah.we did better this time!(: ran like a group that we are!(:
then, lectures by bro mike, Bro mike, didn't anyone tell you that its not very nice to pick on the only two girls in the entire LT just to wake the guys up?its very embarrassing you know.tsk.but its over anyways. JUST DONT DO IT AGAIN kay?
ROPES COURSE.gosh gosh. it rained and we couldn't do it!sad sad.but me and maria went up first on the challenge pole!it was like.SCARY. so high.and we had to balance on the seesaw thingy. haha. we just jumped off cause we dint think we could make it.but yeah. then after us was brandon and luke.OMG that was like the funniest thing ever!!!!hahaha.brandon was like facing the wrong way.and after luke jumped, and almost got the trapeze, brandon fell off and he was like.kind of screaming on the way down cause of the harness.it was quite funny but yeah.must have been painful for the guys! i'm glad i'm a girl.hahah.OH OH.and mark and eugene were the only pair that got the trapezes and did three pull ups!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS YO.hahah. then it poured, and we had to go play mass games. haha. man skin the snake was sick.haha.and once again, i'm glad i'm a girl. and blow wind blow was fun!!hahha.and and the forfeits were cool!!

'have you seen a funky chicken?
what's that you say?
have you seen a funky chicken?
what's that you say?

i said...
puck (x20)'

and and a crank that soulja boy dance.so cool!haha.
and when we went back, we had alfresco dining. which was porridge.but i'm grateful i had food to eat! and after that, a talk by brother colin goh about the less fortunate. like sad but yeah.

and the post shall be completed another time.

.Jun 6, 2008 ' Friday, June 06, 2008 Y
you used to be the reason, for my smile.

The holidays.

so yeah. its the hols once again. and its boring. only, there's lltc, and i gotta kick some guy's ass there cos he totally insulted my school ppl by calling us nerds. which is damn insulting cos very few people in my skl are nerds. so yeah. i'm gonna totally kick ass at lltc.(: i seriously can't wait.(:

.May 19, 2008 ' Monday, May 19, 2008 Y
you used to be the reason, for my smile.

rolling credits and here's to you, ***ch.

and so, here's to the most pathetic directors of all times.

who's the one who did squat for the play? YOU.

who's the one who did all the work? US.

and who's the one who tries to claim all credit for what WE have done? YOU.



.Nov 15, 2007 ' Thursday, November 15, 2007 Y
you used to be the reason, for my smile.

hmm. so much to do, so little time. all the mundane things of life all piling up. the skl's musical, homework, topical tests, being sick. *sigh.* what to do. TAKE A DAY OFF. hee hee.so tt's what i'm doing. skipping everything just to relax and have a day off. its healthy u noe, to skip skl once in a while, but of course not all the time.. (as quoted from the book twilight by stephanie meyer) (oh and i'll try to remember to return it to u the next time i see u stef..heehee)

well yeah. and my bro was being such a stubborn ass pig just now when i was using the com, but went to look for something then he came and sat down where the com was and refused to get up. only when my mom told him to get up then he got up. he CLAIMED he said tt he was going to use the com but he so totally didnt. what an arsehole. really cant stand him. bloody effer.geez. and i'm supposed to be rested and relaxed. HAH. like real. as if i can do tt with tt idiot around(my brother duh)

argh.really cannot stand him!!!!!!!GRR.

oh stef, i really need to tok to u urgently...heehee.got lots of stuff to tok abt.

.Nov 11, 2007 ' Sunday, November 11, 2007 Y
you used to be the reason, for my smile.

hey all.

firstly.sorry for not blogging for like an eternity. hee. i dont use the com alot.lol.

i shall reply to all tags in this post.or at least try to.

firstly nikkie, sorry my dear for not tagging u..hehe. i love u loads too darl!!

next liz, yep. ACE totally rocks my socks.hahah.

An admirer....who are you? totally random person. geez. i'm flattered but who are you?

clare! hehe.yeah a totally dead blog. like urs was for quite a while.heheh.

alexis (aka kor) yes i got an admirer. u jealous? huh? heheh.

finally, liane. last but not least. hmmm.something tells me u noe who it is....do you?hahaha. tell me if u do.

.Oct 17, 2007 ' Wednesday, October 17, 2007 Y
you used to be the reason, for my smile.

omg. i swear monday and tuesday were the absolute bestest best in all my life. really seriously.

went over to lou's place to mugg..even mugging wif frens is the best i swear.. waited for nic to come but prank called royston b4 tt.haha.tried to fool him into thinking tt i was lou and lou was me.worked a bit but not really..hahahahaha.then we were mugging and playing the piano..thanks nic for teaching me how to play tt piece!!!loves babe.

then. the party at costa sands. totally rocks man. went there at about 5.20, 5.30. when we got there, couldnt really find the g7s then called royston..then found them..lol.haha.then went to the chalet..sat around doing nothing for a while. then the rest of them came back from wild wild wet..then the fun started..or sort of.haha. they ate while me lou and nic went to the fitness centre to do flips and all. like the bomb man. cam whored a bit too.. but like so super fun.hahah. hung upside down and all. blood rushing to the brain makes me high.:)hahah. well then went back and saw jared kowtowing to jodie. hannah heng forcing him but dunno what for tho.haha. think he made hannah angry or something.lol. tried to make hannah make him do less..lol..then claris asked me to take video.so i did.lol. SORRAYE JARED.
after tt..we slacked more. then they started to roast marshmellows. which obviously gave me the idea to play chubby bunny.hahah.it was so super fun.(the game is to stuff marshmellows in ur mouth and after each marshmellow u have to say chubby bunny. NOT CHUBBY BABI IAIN.lol.) well then i went wif nic and lou to get the marshmellows..then after tt we walked back and nic and lou went ahead wif andrew but i stayed behind to chat wif royston, ewan and seraphina. it was fun chatting wif them.but the guys were so super evil to sera..haha.but i guess it was fun la.hahah.then we went back then i asked the g7s who wanted to play then they were all like no, its ok..but managed to get iain, jon chan, and ewan to come out and play wif us. then nic started and she got 11 marshmellows in. i only got like 9 cos i sneezed then it came out.sadly. i so could have done better.haha.then it was iain's turn. then he kept on saying chubby BABI. lol. its supposed to be chubby bunny. but anyway. haha.fun. then jon chan. he got in about like 9?haha.cos ewan and iain kept on making him laugh. i swear he looked like a hamster. actually all of us did.haha.those who played tt is. then ewan did it.haha.he couldnt even keep down 9!hahaha.cos iain and jon chan were like mus or something like that..haha.cant really remember.haha.but yeah.was helping him keep count. and doing wif him too. my second try. but i dint manage to do anything much. cos jodie was like begging me for marshmellows.lol.but then i gave the rest of the marshmellows to jon chan and he did again.hahaha.we seriously looked like hamsters.hahaha.i swear.it was damn funny.too bad others dint do.lol.


I'm the fallen angel
and tts for me to know and for you to find out.
loves: friends like clare louisa nicole fan nicole lim maria benji teo(my personal stressball!hahah.)ewan alister ryan and everyone else who i dint name. my cuzzies like steffie and charlotte(love you guys!*I mean girls.hahah!) ;)
hates: ugly fat egoistical bitches. backstabbers. yeah. tts about it. oh and my brothers sometimes.


Him(: *i wish.*
no horrible b*tches for a whole year.
just one perfect day with him.



Andrew~ Clare~ Liane~ GerGer~ NicoleLim~ Jessica~ JiaYi~ Donny~ Anne-Marie~ Maria~ Christel~ Grace~ MY TWINN HANNAH!~ Ivor~ Kristine~ Benita(my tall ass:))~ Reuben~ Sarah Chong~ Benjamin Teo~ Hwa xiong(sji camp facil 07:))~ Cheryl~ Chris~ Samm Tay!~ Stef!~


August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008


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